Love To Bake Wendy's Lasagna

This is a backpost, agency dorsum to Chinese New Year's Day 2008.

I had opened upwards household for my friends, together with I made lasagne for them, they are fans of cheese together with all things unopen to the cow.

 they are fans of cheese together with all things unopen to the moo-cow Love to Bake Wendy's Lasagna

Did some inquiry together with I respect that the cheeses that they purpose is sort of rare inwards Malaysia, together with the most of import is they are darn pricey here.

I saw on pioneerwomancooks the agency she does hers was easy, but finding hot sausages is rather hard here. She uses cottage cheese, mozarella together with grated parmesan... I but downed it all to mozarella. Used fresh tomatoes together with did away alongside the hot sausages. I added cream to the white layer to brand it creamier... Some of my friends can't lead maintain beef, then I changed it to chicken... the remainder of it, stayed kinda similiar.

So, here's my agency of doing it, using easier to respect ingredients.

Wendy's Lasagna Recipe

Tomato base
1 Kg minced chicken
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
1 bulb Big onion (finely chopped)
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp dried basil
2 Tbsp dried parsley
2 cups pureed fresh tomatoes
1 large tin San Remo tomato plant glue (I intend it's around 500gm)
2 tsp salt

Saute garlic together with onion inwards olive oil. Put inwards minced chicken together with laid upwards until brown. Add inwards tomato plant puree, tomato plant paste, parsley, basil together with salt. Cook mixture until it is close dry. Dish upwards together with allow mixture cool down

White Sauce base
1 loving cup whipping cream
2 eggs
300gm grated Mozarella Cheese
2 Tbsp dried parsley

Mix everything together well.

Final Assembly
1 Packet of instant lasagne sheets (250gm)
200gm grated mozarella cheese
1 Tbsp butter

  1. Butter the base of operations of a ix X13 inch baking pan.
  2. Lay a layer of lasagna sheets on the bottom.
  3. Spoon carefully one-half the white base of operations onto the lasagne sheets.
  4. Spoon 1/3 of the tomato plant base of operations onto the white layer, making certain non to disturb the white base.
  5. Lay some other layer of lasagne sheets on meridian of the tomato plant base of operations layer.
  6. Repeat pace 3, four together with 5.
  7. Top the lasagna sheets alongside the concluding 1/3 of the tomato plant base of operations together with sprinkle grated mozarella on meridian generously.
  8. Bake at 170C for xxx minutes.

I made this ii days inwards advance together with kept it inwards the refrigerator until my friends arrived. Made them facial expression for lunch..... hahaha!!!

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: