Grilled Beef Flank Steak “Pastrami” – Backyard Deli

I’ll produce a proper pastrami i of these days. Maybe correct later I operate a smoker. But inwards the meantime, this pastrami-spiced beef flank steak should produce nicely. As amongst all "cheater" recipes, managing your expectations is key.

You can’t operate the texture too coloring of a existent “pastrami” without the curing step, where the meat is soaked inwards a brine, earlier beingness spiced/smoked, but you lot tin operate pretty exactly about the flavor, using the spice rub seen herein.

We’ve used a similar technique to plow plainly corned beef into “pastrami,” equally good equally create a duck Reuben; i of my favorite videos of all time. By the way, the cistron amounts below bring been adjusted slightly, equally my spice rub was a tad flake overpowering.

I’ve backed downwards the dark pepper too mustard, but equally amongst all spice amounts, that’s actually upwards to you. If you lot but position tabular array salt too pepper on a flank steak, too grill it properly, you’ll bring something delicious to eat, too thence continue that inwards heed equally you lot rub your meat. 

I ate mine fresh, but if you lot allow it cool, while it thin, too warm it upwards inwards a pan amongst a piffling splash of water, too a tiny pinch of sugar, you’ll bring something fifty-fifty to a greater extent than pastrami-like. I actually promise you lot give this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

SPECIAL NOTE: I allow my meat warm to room temp earlier grilling, too thence the within reaches my desired temp a piffling quicker, too earlier the exterior spice rub gets also black. Conversely, when grilling a steak, too there's cipher to give notice on the surface, I mostly similar the meat cold, too thence the exterior has enough of fourth dimension to sear, earlier the meat within is done. 

Ingredients for four large portions:
1 trimmed beef flank steak (usually 1.5 to 1.75 pounds)
2 tsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp freshly dry reason dark pepper
1 tbsp dry reason coriander
1 tbsp kosher salt
2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp dry out mustard
- For best results, create to a medium. I pulled at most 135 F. internal temp, which volition rising to most 140 F. equally it rests.
-Serve amongst slightly sweetened mustard too rye bread
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