Learn As Well As Sentinel Speaker Deck- A Adept Presentation Tool For Teachers

June 23, 2015
Speaker Deck is an first-class spider web tool that allows y'all to easily part your presentations online. You only upload your slides every 2nd PDF in addition to Speaker Deck turns them into a beautiful online experience. You tin ship away in addition to therefore part your generated presentation amongst others using dissimilar options including a unique URL link, social media websites such a Facebook in addition to Twitter, or role the embed code to embed presentations inward your website.

Speaker Deck only supports PDF files in addition to allows upwards to l uploads per 24-hour interval in addition to a full of 500 all time. Here is how y'all tin ship away upload your presentation to Speaker Deck:

‘1- Sign into your Speaker Deck job concern human relationship in addition to click Upload at the operate past times of the page. You volition last presented amongst a shape to upload a PDF.

2- Click the Select a PDF to Upload push clitoris in addition to a file browser volition open. Select the PDF y'all desire to upload in addition to and therefore click Ok.

3- When the PDF has finished uploading y'all volition run across a "Save the Details" button. Optionally teach inward a refer in addition to description in addition to choose a category for the presentation in addition to and therefore click Save the Details’

Check out this example to run across the sort of presentations Speaker Deck tin ship away assistance y'all create.

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