Learn In Addition To Scout The V Primary Fluencies Of The 21St Century Learning

October 29, 2014
Today I desire to percentage alongside you lot this awesome read I came across inwards Global Citizen Education. The article is entitled " 21st Century Fluencies" in addition to is basically based on Crockett et al.'s mass Literacy is Not Enough. The principal declaration inwards this newspaper is that 21st century fluencies are procedure skills that students postulate inwards guild to thrive inwards a apace changing world. These procedure skills include things such critical thinking, work solving, creativity, in addition to invention to elevate precisely a few. "The 21st century fluencies", every bit the authors of this move state, "are non near hardware, they are near headware in addition to heartware".

The article talks at length near 5 principal fluencies. Here is a brief overview of each of these fluencies in addition to you lot tin banking corporation fit the master article for to a greater extent than  in-depth analysis of each of these fluencies.

1- Solution Fluency
" Solution Fluency is the mightiness to retrieve creatively to solve problems inwards existent fourth dimension past times clearly defining the problem, designing an appropriate solution, delivering the solution in addition to and hence evaluating the procedure in addition to the outcome."

2-Creativity Fluency
Creative Fluency is the procedure past times which artistic proficiency adds pregnant through design, art, in addition to storytelling. It is near using innovative blueprint to add together value to the business office of a production though its form

"Collaboration Fluency is squad working proficiency that has reached the unconscious mightiness to move cooperatively alongside virtual in addition to existent partners inwards an online surroundings to solve problems in addition to practise master products".

" There are ii components of Media Fluency. Firstly, the mightiness to hold back analytically at whatever communication to translate the existent message, in addition to evaluate the efficacy of the chosen medium. Secondly, to practise master communications past times aligning the message in addition to audience though the most appropriate in addition to effective medium."

Information Fluency is the mightiness to unconsciously in addition to intuitively translate data inwards all forms in addition to formats inwards guild to extract the essential knowledge, authenticate it, in addition to perceive its pregnant in addition to significance.

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