Learn In Addition To Sentry 3 Powerful Chromebook Tools To Collect Feedback From Students

November 19, 2014
Today nosotros received a asking from a instructor asking close spider web tools to purpose on Chromebook for creating polls in addition to surveys. We went through our archive in addition to pulled out these titles. These are, nosotros believe, alongside the best chromebook-compatible tools out at that spot for designing polls, surveys, in addition to collecting feedback from students. Check them out in addition to percentage with us if you lot accept to a greater extent than suggestions to add together to this list:

1- Kahoot

Kahoot is a spider web tool that allows you lot to easily exercise in addition to play quizzes, discussions or surveys ( Kahoots). Using a uncomplicated 'drag & drop' creator tool on whatever device, you lot tin laid quizzes with embedded imagery in addition to video, based on educational content. Or, respect populace content to play. Kahoot also allows you lot to engage your audience in addition to conduct manage of their attending past times projecting the quiz onto the concealment at the front. Without needing an account, everyone inward the room rapidly joins through their personal device, seeing their advert seem at the front. Real fourth dimension feedback is also supported.


Saocrative is 1 of my favourite tools for getting feedback from users. Teachers tin purpose the dissimilar enquiry types provided past times Socrative to poll their students in addition to garner their feedback inward a multifariousness of formats using both smartphones or computers.

3- Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is approximately other powerful spider web tool to collect feedback from your audience. This tool provides you lot with a multifariousness of templates in addition to feedback forms to conduct from.Audience answers inward existent fourth dimension using mobile phones, Twitter, or spider web browsers. The cracking characteristic I similar the most close PollEverywhere is that it lets you see your response alive on the spider web or inward a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation.

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