Learn Together With Scout Ii Handy Spider Web Tools To Prepare Students Reading Comprehension Skills

October, 2014
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few weeks agone I posted hither inwards Edtech in addition to Mobile Learning a listing of useful spider web tools to get upwards students reading comprehension. Today, I am adding 2 other tools to the list. Check them out below:

1- ReadWorks

ReadWorks is an first-class platform that provides effective gratis resources to get upwards students reading comprehension. It also gives teachers a bunch of research-proven tools in addition to back upwards they involve to ameliorate the academic achievement of their students.

ReadWorks also provides a broad diverseness of reading materials that are aligned to the Common Core Standards. These materials include both non-fiction in addition to literary passages that students in addition to teachers tin dismiss access online for free. There is also a department on ReadWorks called " Lessons & Units" that features a plethora of lesson plans in addition to comprehension worksheets for teachers to travel amongst unlike flat levels. The lesson plans are arranged into 4 master copy categories: skills in addition to strategy units, comprehension skills, new report units, reading passages.
2- Reading Bear

Reading Bear is a neat tool for helping kids acquire to read. Reading Bear integrates both vocabulary exercise (over 1200 vocabulary items) in addition to phonetic awareness ( roofing unlike phonetic principles in addition to patterns of written English) into their lessons. All of these lessons are provided inwards the shape of narrated presentations playable either equally a video or equally an interactive slide show. Presentations are available inwards vii unlike versions. In the fullest version, the narrator sounds out a give-and-take slow in addition to quickly, in addition to then blend it slowly, in addition to lastly (after an optional prompt) blend it quickly. As sounds are pronounced, the corresponding letters are highlighted. Then a flick is displayed illustrating the word, present a judgement (with the private sounds in 1 lawsuit again highlighted, karaoke style), in addition to lastly present a video illustrating the sentence.

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