Learn Together With Sentinel Google Forms Released Ii Novel Interesting Features

September 3, 2014
Google Forms is 1 of the powerful tools for creating surveys, polls, questionnaires too quizzes. Over the years, many updates accept been added to Google Forms that enhanced its functioning too made it ideal for classroom inclusion. The final update I covered inwards a previous postal service was about how to add together  images too videos to your forms. Two days ago, Google released some other novel update that allows users to customize the background of their forms  and add together novel themes too headers to them. You  can also straight off upload your ain images too purpose them equally the background of a shape you lot exercise through Google Forms. Here is how to exercise it:

1- To add together a custom theme, only exercise a new form and click the “Change theme” push clit inwards the toolbar.

2- Select the subject you lot desire too click on " customize it"

3- Now click on "form background" and/or "page background" to customize the shape too page of your shape respectively.

Watch this video to acquire to a greater extent than close how to customize Google Forms

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