Learn Together With Sentinel The Viii Components Of A Digital Learning Environment

November 1, 2014
Another nifty read only this fourth dimension from BYOT Network. In this newspaper entitled " The Components of a Digital Age Learning Ecosystem", Dr Tim Clark suggests eight elements every bit beingness constitutive of a digital learning environment. And though I get got to a greater extent than or less remarks on the utilization of the term ecosystem every bit beingness likewise complex a term for capturing the learning intricacies that accept house inwards a learning environs I would rather disregard this comment too focus to a greater extent than on the eight elements the article features . These elements are :

1- H5N1 feel of community
2- Essential questions
3- Captivating digital content
4- Assessment for learning
5- Multiple teaching tools
6- Designs for differentiation too accessibility
7- Supportive classroom environment
8- Engaging instructional strategies

Here is my accept on the showtime 2 elements too I invite yous to banking concern jibe the master copy article to acquire to a greater extent than almost all the eight components of a digital historic menstruum learning ecosystem too part alongside us what yous mean value of them.

The showtime chemical element is "a feel of community". This is likely the equivalent of Lave too Wenger's communities of practice. At the inwardness of it is the regard of  enhancing the spirit of collaboration inwards shape too transforming the traditional roles of teachers from experts to facilitators too explorers.
The minute chemical element is "essential questions". This i aims at constructing an inquiry-based instructional strategy inwards shape where students acquire to formulate too educate their learning experiences alongside the assistance of regard provoking questions.

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