Learn Together With Scout An First-Class Tool To Work Video Mash-Ups Inwards Class

December, 2014
Weavly EDU is a really proficient  web tool that students tin transportation away role to exercise video mash-ups. These mash-ups could include both well as well as video clips taken from pop multimedia sites such equally YouTube, SoundCloud, as well as Vine. All of this tin transportation away hold upward done without leaving your Weavly page. Some of the interesting features that Weavly EDU provides for teachers include : students don’t cause got to sign upward they tin transportation away learn started correct away. Also, Teachers tin transportation away Group as well as monitor students' activeness during video editing assignments.

Weavely EDU  runs straight inward the browser amongst media content that is already online, no downloads or uploads necessary. There are dissimilar ways students tin transportation away role this platform. They tin transportation away for instance role it to exercise year-in review videos where they characteristic of import events, activities…etc. They tin transportation away also role it inward digital storytelling. They tin transportation away easily exercise multimedia stories using non alone video content only also animated GIFs.

Here are 2 examples of video projects that, according to Weavly EDU, other teachers cause got successfully used inward classroom:

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