Learn Too Scout First-Class Apps Too Tools To Heighten Math Understanding

December, 2014
Technology offers a myriad of ways to learn, practice, as well as sympathise math. Math manipulatives, videos, games, interactive simulations, physical activities - all tin forcefulness out aid reinforce a deep conceptual understanding.

Understanding Math
 Teaches children fluency inwards multiplication as well as sectionalization from 1 to 100.­ Start working alongside this dandy tool today!
 A whole lot of videos most numbers, from pi to googolplex to Graham's number.
 A whole lot of math games, organized past times grades, skills, as well as Common Core State Standards.
 Play alongside interactive math as well as scientific discipline simulations to arrive at a visual agreement of these concepts.
Create as well as impress cardboard templates that tin forcefulness out endure folded into figures as well as objects.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools.
Apps to Promote Mathematical Thinking 
This is curated past times simple schoolhouse instructor Glenda Stewart-Smith.
This ane is curated past times assistant technology scientific discipline coordinator Gwen Johnson.

By Mike: co-founder of edhself

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