Learn Together With Picket Apps For Kindergarten Students

May 22, 2014
The responsiveness of a touchscreen has made the iPad a remarkable tool for learning. Since our trivial learners are oftentimes the beneficiaries of these tools, hither are some teacher-tested apps for immature students.

Reading Rainbow 

Remember this PBS TV show? Actor LeVar Burton has resurrected it equally a curated library of kid-friendly digital books.

Or hold off for a digital mass yourself amongst this complimentary library of books from approximately the world.

This iPad app teaches your trivial learner how to write letters in addition to numbers inwards a fun, friendly, in addition to supportive way.

Interact amongst a serial of stories interwoven amongst games that learn cognitive, social, in addition to emotional early-learning skills.

Inspired past times a kindergarten teacher, this give-and-take game helps children associate novel words amongst letters of the alphabet.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools

Early Childhood Apps 

Recommended apps for early on childhood classrooms. Curated past times classroom instructor Heather Rogers.

The apps used inwards kindergarten at the School District of Beloit inwards Wisconsin.

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