Learn Together With Sentinel The Half-Dozen Depository Fiscal Establishment Annotation Taking Skills Every Educatee Should Master

April 22, 2014
In a fast-paced basis where data travels at the speed of light, banknote taking skills tin brand all the divergence betwixt effective as well as ineffective learning. Students tin perform agency amend if they master copy the fine art of banknote taking. In this regard, I am sharing alongside you lot this wonderful banknote taking workshop prepared yesteryear Learning Commons which features the vi of import banknote taking skills students request to prepare together alongside the unlike methods of taking notes as well as in conclusion alongside the v Rs.

Note taking skills summarized inwards the handy acronym LISTEN. Listen stands out for :
  • L:Lead
  • I: Ideas
  • S: Summarize
  • T: Talk
  • E: End
  • N: Notes
1- Lead:
Lead entails doing course of report reading ahead of fourth dimension as well as beingness prepared for the lecture topic.

2- Ideas
Seize upon principal ideas instead of writing everything down.

3- Summarize
Summarize the most of import data as well as pregnant ideas inwards your ain words inside 24 hours of each lecture.

4- Talk
Talk to your instructor as well as classmates to hash out ideas.

5- End
End each lesson or lecture yesteryear reviewing as well as summarizing notes, identifying whatever problems that you lot mightiness request to inquire about.

6- Notes
Take downwards exclusively essential points as well as psyche for signal words or of import concepts.

There are several unlike methods for taking notes. Most prominent amid them all are : Cornell method, Outline method, T-notes.

1- Cornell method

Cornell method involves dividing a sail of newspaper into 3 parts: a left column for principal ideas as well as fundamental words, a correct column for lengthier details, as well as a department inwards the bottom for writing a summary later the lecture or lesson.

2- Outline method

Outline method is useful for showing major points as well as supporting ideas.

 3- T-notes

T-notes is useful for problem-based classes such every bit math as well as engineering.T-notes involves dividing a sail of newspaper into ii columns.

What you lot create alongside your notes counts the most. The 5 Rs below helps students brand the maximum out their notes:

1- Record
Recording your notes is but the commencement step.

2- Reduce
Reduce your notes downwards into fundamental points as well as summarize as well as thus inwards your ain words.

3- Recite
Reciting data outloud tin assistance inwards  retaining information.

4- Reflect
Reflecting on how the data inwards your notes relates to course of report objectives tin assistance you lot brand critical connections.

5- Review
Review your notes the same hateful solar daytime of cast as well as thus summarize downwards your notes into a unmarried sail at the cease of each calendar week as well as review these meat notes for examination time.

Here is some other wonderful visual from Learning commons on banknote taking.

paced basis where data travels at the speed of lite Learn And Watch The vi Note Taking Skills Every Student Should  Master  Follow us on : Twitter, Facebook , Google plus, Pinterest .
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