Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man 2 Awesome Tools To Mirror Ipad Enshroud Into Your Computer

Today I am sharing amongst you lot 2 wonderful tools that you lot tin role to mirror your iPad hide into your MAC or PC. These tools are non gratis only they are smashing for creating screencasts as well as tutorials featuring content from your iPad.

1- Reflector

Have you lot always wanted to come across your iPhone or iPad on a larger screen? Play games, sentry movies, demo apps or acquaint to your calculator from your iPhone or iPad. Everything you lot create on the device is shown on the calculator screen, wirelessly. 
Some of the features that Reflector provides include :
  • Connect multiple devices to ane calculator for side-by-side app comparisons, multiple presenters, competition, hide monitoring as well as more.
  • Password protect Reflector to boundary access as well as live on along unwanted presenters out.
  • Include device frames, good as well as amount video inward recordings for afterward review or webcasts.

Check this step past times footstep guide to larn to a greater extent than well-nigh how to role Reflector.

  2- Air Server

" There are times when you lot necessitate to present content to your shape to engage your audience, using an iPad. With AirServer you lot tin wirelessly beam your iPad display to your Mac or PC as well as from at that topographic point to your projector, smartboard or HDTV. This gives you lot the liberty to deed some the shape amongst your iPad inward hand. AirServer also supports multiple simultaneous connections, as well as thence ane or to a greater extent than students could mirror their iPads to portion their ideas as well as their live on amongst the balance of the class. "

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