Learn Together With Sentry Tips Together With Tools To Assistance You Lot Meliorate Integrate Applied Scientific Discipline Inwards Your Instruction

March 30, 2014
Looking for about ideas on how to integrate technology inwards your instruction? Dr. Kimberly Tyson from Learning Unlimited has these first-class tips to portion amongst you. In this visual she created she outlined half dozen practical ideas to assistance you lot select digital tools to back upwards students learning. For each of these ideas she provided a bunch of spider web tools that you lot tin utilization to accomplish them.

While the spider web tools  Dr Kimberly suggested serve the role pretty well, however, based on my long sense amongst reviewing pedagogy tools, I picked about to a greater extent than titles to add together to her visual. Here are my suggestions:

Tools to practice individualized learning experiences for students:
Tools that back upwards classroom instruction
Tools that facilitate collaboration
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