Love To Bake Hamantaschen @ Haman's Lid Alongside Apricot - Cookies #2

Hamantaschen agency Haman's hat,  a traditional Jewish cookie that is eaten during Purim festival  to think the defeat of their enemy named Haman. Shiksa inward the Kitchen
Makes xxx pcs

Apricot Butter

150gm dried apricots
60gm orangish juice
125ml water
three Tbsp sugar

90gm butter (I used salted)
65gm sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp orangish zest
180gm flour (I used to a greater extent than than the recipe)

Prepare filling
1. Cut apricots into small-scale pieces.
2. Combine amongst all the ingredients too select  to a boil. Lower to a simmer (lid on) until the apricots are soft too liquid is left to around 1-2 Tbsp on the base of operations of the pot.
3. Puree or squash the apricots.
4. Keep inward fridge, covered until fourth dimension of use.

Prepare dough.
5. Cream butter too saccharide until pale too fluffy. Add inward egg too shell until smooth. Add inward vanilla too orangish zest too shell for a  while. Add inward flour too mix until combined.
6. Wrap dough inward cling roll too continue chilled for 1hour at least. Or yous tin chill it overnight.

Shaping too Baking
7. Take the dough out from fridge. Unwrap dough, split upward dough into three portions. Roll each component subdivision into 3-4mm thick, cutting amongst a 2.5 inch circular cutter.
8. Put some  filling inward the centre too flexure the three sides in, ane  corner overlapping the other.(see pic)
9. Bake inward a preheated oven at 180C for 17 minutes or until the corners offset to plough golden.

*Filling total was left amongst 1tsp when dough was used up.

I used a cutting upward soft drinkable tin to cutting the dough, because it was the size that I want. SeeRead  story here.Haman wore a triangular hat, too so.. that was the argue for the kind of the cookie. In Israel, they are known equally Oznei Haman, equally inward Haman's Ears.

There are many variations of the dough on the internet. Some are crispy, some cakey, some  yeasty,some made amongst oil, some butter. Traditional fillings are similar poppy seed, prune too apricot. More modern varieties similar chocolate too strawberry jam are also institute  nowadays. I decided to teach amongst apricot  as I similar the colour.

I altered a flake of the  recipe, because I am non really confident of moulding it inward our conditions to remain equally a triangle inward my hands, afterwards they plough into balls, hahaha! I think I overworked the dough. It was a footling flake equally good crunchy, equally this ratio is something I select made before, but it wasn't similar this.

My dried apricots weren't equally good fragrant, too and thence the apricot butter wasn't equally first-class equally I wished.  But it's a adept option for a depression sucrose filling.

Adapted from: Shiksa inward the Kitchen
Makes xxx pcs

Apricot Butter

150gm dried apricots
60gm orangish juice
125ml water
three Tbsp sugar

90gm butter (I used salted)
65gm sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp orangish zest
180gm flour (I used to a greater extent than than the recipe)

Prepare filling
1. Cut apricots into small-scale pieces.
2. Combine amongst all the ingredients too select  to a boil. Lower to a simmer (lid on) until the apricots are soft too liquid is left to around 1-2 Tbsp on the base of operations of the pot.
3. Puree or squash the apricots.
4. Keep inward fridge, covered until fourth dimension of use.

Prepare dough.
5. Cream butter too saccharide until pale too fluffy. Add inward egg too shell until smooth. Add inward vanilla too orangish zest too shell for a  while. Add inward flour too mix until combined.
6. Wrap dough inward cling roll too continue chilled for 1hour at least. Or yous tin chill it overnight.

Shaping too Baking
7. Take the dough out from fridge. Unwrap dough, split upward dough into three portions. Roll each component subdivision into 3-4mm thick, cutting amongst a 2.5 inch circular cutter.
8. Put some  filling inward the centre too flexure the three sides in, ane  corner overlapping the other.(see pic)
9. Bake inward a preheated oven at 180C for 17 minutes or until the corners offset to plough golden.

*Filling total was left amongst 1tsp when dough was used up.

I used a cutting upward soft drinkable tin to cutting the dough, because it was the size that I want. See here  on how to cutting the can

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest West Asia Month
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